We, from NZA HERBAL SOAPS ENTERPRISE produce whitening soaps such as glutathione, papaya, aloe vera etc, by private labeling.
We produce the soap products for you and you assign the brand name as per your choice, eg VG GLUTA soap, VG papaya soap, etc.
You have 40 whitening soaps to choose from. You choose any soaps from the list below and we produce the item/ items by contract.
You can choose any soap/ soaps item of your interest from the list of 40 soaps below:
1)Papaya Soap as a skin moisturizer & whitener.
2)Aloe Vera Soap as skin softener & moisturizer.
3)Acapulco Soap as anti-bacterial & anti-fungal.
4)AHA (Alpa Hydroxy Acid) as anti-wrinkle.
5)Arbutin Soap as Whitening soap from Bear berry.
6)Avocado soap rich in Avocado Oil as skin softener and moisturizer.
7)Banana Soap w/ Banana Extract as anti-wrinkle & anti acne.
8)Lemon Soap w/ Lemon Extract effective for skin renewal & skin lightener.
9)Calendula Soap w/ Calendula extract effective for delicate & sensitive skin.
10)Carrot Soap w/ carrot Extract that contains vitamins A & D for creating a younger-looking skin.
11)Chamomile w/ Chamomile extract that revitalizes & strengthens the skin.
12)Chocolate Soap w/ Chocolate extract that acts as moisturizer.
13)Cinnamon Soap w/ Cinnamon extract that acts as anti- bacterial and anti-acne.
14)Cocoa Butter Soap that contains butter from cocoa which acts as skin moisturizer & gives a silky effect.
15)Coffee Soap w/ Coffee Extract that contains Baracco coffee which has a deodorizing and ant-bacterial effect.
16)Cucumber Soap w/ Cucumber Extract that acts as astringent & skin toner.
17)Dead Sea Salt Soap w/ Dead Sea Salt that draws out skin impurities.
18)Papaya Soap w/ Dead Sea Mud from Israel (Black Papaya Soap) that contains Dead Sea Mud from Israel which acts
as anti-bacterial by absorbing toxins & impurities.
19)Egg & Honey Soap w/ Egg & Honey that contains egg white for its firming effect, egg yolk for its vitamins &
the healing properties of honey.
20)Ginseng Soap w/ Ginseng that acts as anti-oxidant & anti aging.
21)Glutathione Soap w/ Glutathione that acts as powerful anti-oxidant & has whitening effect.
22)Glycolic Acid Soap that gives mild soothing effect.
23)Milk Soap w/ Goat's Milk that softens & moisturizes the skin.
24)Grapefruit Soap w/ Grapefruit extract that is rich in vitamin C that whitens the skin & controls the appearance
of skin blemishes.
25)Green Tea Soap w/ Green Tea extract that acts as anti-oxidant for a younger-looking skin.
26)Green Papaya Soap w/ Green Papaya enzymes that acts as effective whitening agent.
27)Guava Soap w/ Guava Leaves extract that is effective in healing skin disease.
28)Honey Soap w/ Honey known for its healing properties & acts as skin moisturizer & skin softener.
29)Honey & Lemon Soap w/ Honey as Moisturizer & Lemon extract for its whitening effect.
30)Honey & Oatmeal Soap with Honey for its healing effect & Oatmeal for Exfoliation (dead skin removal).
31)Jasmine Soap w/ Jasmine Extract & Essential oil used for sensuality & beauty.
32)Kiwi Soap w/ Kiwi Fruit extract used as astringent & skin toner.
33)Kojic Soap w/ Kojic Acid for its whitening effect and Milk as moisturizer.
34)Lavender Soap w/ Lavender Extract as body & mind relaxant.
35)Loofah Soap w/ pulverized Loofah for dead skin removal.
36)Moringa Soap w/ Moringa Powder that acts as anti-oxidant & anti bacterial.
37)Placenta Soap w/ Placenta Extract for whitening & anti-aging effect.
38)Shea Butter Soap w/ Shea Butter from Africa used for heavy moisturizing & skin whitening.
39)Rose Soap w/ Rose Essential Oil used for relaxing effect & to relieve any feeling of anxiety.
40)Black Whitening Soap w/ mud from Dead Sea of Israel as its main ingredient. Ihis soap is best in whitening your facial
skin, removes pimples, freckles and other skin blemishes. Recommended for everyday use. This contains Grapefruit Extracts
which is a source of Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) which helps in the skin rejuvenation. Also contains Kojic Acid which is an
effective and safe vegetable extract with proven whitening action.